Voyage Impetus

To craft & deliver unique and professional services to secure crypto investor's wealth, interests & faith by delivering world's most transparent crypto asset management solutions.

MuFi Products

  • Crypto Bond Funds Index (CBFi)
  • NFT's & DeFi Funds Index (NDFi)
  • Memes & Launchpads Funds Index (MLFi)

Crypto Currencies prices


Welcome To
iMuFi Service Platform

iMuFi, is an exclusive platform for crypto asset management & for professional crypto wealth management consultancy. Crypto is heading towards mass adoption & the number of new entrants is increasing manifolds. But most of these entrants are inexperienced retail investors who are often jolted with sharp movements of volatile crypto markets. Majority end up losing investments which further leads to loss of faith & interest. FOMO & Fears are tools of crypto masterminds which are difficult to assess & process.
iMuFi, an exclusive service platform built with mission to utilise inhouse experience & expertise to cater to serve crypto investors help create wealth & to accumulate crypto assets. Let us assist you to manage your crypto assets & help you build desired fortune.
  • Proudly Introducing World's 1st Crypto Mutual Fund Indexing Platform!!

What is (MuFi) & How It Works?

MuFi – is the way to help such retail investors manage their crypto assets & trade them but at minimised risk factor. For this our team of highly experienced & proficient crypto wealth managers have created various CRYPTO MUTUAL FUNDS which they trade on day-to-day basis & help mutual fund investors earn profits.
Each MuFi is a combination of certain crypto funds (coins or tokens of projects) which are selected purely by panel of crypto wealth managers. These funds or combination of funds are selected after a deep analyses & data processing.

Exclusive Affiliate Program

To reach widest global population, the marketing methodology has been linked to referral program. Referral program gives opportunity to users to enjoy exclusive MuFi profits on one side where as uses social potential to earn TACS on other side. Protection of the community & the projects from getting monopolised is a bye product of the effective reach of affiliate program. Users can participate with low participation amount to get it started.
  • 1.Fund raising activity to support underlying projects
  • 3.The protection against capitalistic monopoly over price control/market manipulations
  • 4.Opportunity to participate & take advantage of the world’s 1stMuFi Protocol
Explore MuFi Products Now!!

Chart Overview

TACS Price Chart

Overview of price changed over time

MuFi Indices

Overview of MuFi Indices over time

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On Mission To Craft & Deliver Problem Oriented Solutions